Inspirstar Profile Editor Software – Standard


The Inspirstar Profile Editor Software allows writing FSM protocols and loading them to the Inspirstar ISO2PROs, ISO2LCDs or ISO2BAs models. This is a Windows based program only which will not work on an Apple computer.



The Inspirstar Profile Editor Software allows writing FSM protocols and loading them to either the Inspirstar ISO2LCDs or ISO2BAs models.

Inspirstar Profile Editor is a Windows based software. This software is used to create, edit, program frequencies, protocols and profiles. This software is also a management center of features of Inspirstar IS02 stimulators.

  • Easy-to-Use Programming Software. This software is a typical and easy Windows application. Frequency, time, current intensity, wave slope, wave-modulated period and polarity are all easily programmable by healthcare professionals.

  • Feature like “Global Change” makes programming easier – allows changing a parameter like current intensity from 100µA to 200µA across all protocols.

  • Free for upgrade. The software is growing with more features and the upgrade is free.

  • No Annual Maintenance fee.

  • Automatic upgrade. The latest version of the software comes with automatic upgrade. Save time and fast.