
Frequency Specific Microcurrent 

In the video:

Some history of FSM and how it works, what FSM did for me, how it might help you and what other doctors are saying about it.

Dr. Harlan Mittag with FSM machine

Dr. Mittag uses an FSM machine to treat his own neck. Dr. Mittag is certified to prescribe Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) for home use. Trained by Dr. Carolyn McMakin, Dr. Mittag has been treating clients with FSM for 8 years. He has completed both the Core and Advanced trainings offered by Dr. McMakin. He became enthuised with FSM after he experienced healing of his own chronic low back pain after a short series of frequency specific microcurrent treatments.

FSM Research

Researchers continue to demonstrate and confirm the profound healing benefits of Frequency Specific Microcurrent. FSM is now being used in well known hospitals and clinics by medical doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, psychologists, optometrists and more.

FSM research studies
Inspirstar models ISO2PROs, ISO2LCDs, ISO2BAs for frequency specific microcurrent treatments at home

FSM Unit Purchases

Frequency Specific Microcurrent treatment units are available only by prescription of a qualified and certified health professional. Dr. Mittag makes FSM units available to clients for purchase after an initial consultation.

FREE FSM Booklet (pdf)

Dr. Mittag’s short booklet explains the history of Frequency Specific Microcurrent, how it works, it’s uses and the research behind it. It’s a short read for anyone who wants to understand FSM or who is investigating whether or not FSM may be appropriate for them.

Healing With Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) - pdf
FSM treats many health conditions

Conditions FSM Treats

Frequency Specific Microcurrent helps a wide variety of conditions. This is possible because of how FSM works. FSM works in two unique ways. One, it reenergizes tissues and cells, increasing cellular energy levels (ATP) five fold. Second, the paired frequencies of FSM signal specific directions to the cells and tissues for healing.

How FSM Works

The paired microcurrent frequencies that are sent out by FSM devices resonate to different tissues. Different frequencies also stimulate unique changes in the cells and tissues stimulated depending on the frequencies used. Frequency Specific Microcurrent has a long history going back to the early 1900’s when it was widely used by physicians in the United States. FSM was then actively suppressed by the American Medical Association until it’s resurgence in the 1980’s through the work of Dr. Carolyn McMakin.

The Body Electric, The Resonance Effect (book covers)

How Frequencies Heal

Understanding Resonance and Healing

What is Frequency Specific Microcurrent?

Frequency Specific Microcurrent is treatment process that applies pulsed electrical currents to the body through the skin.  When the low level currents (microcurrents) are pulsed at different frequencies the current interacts with body tissues.  The interaction of the pulsed currents and the tissues initiates changes in the cells, tissues and organs of the body that are healing. 

The healing occurs through two processes.  In the first process, the microcurrent stimulates cells to produce more ATP (energy).  With more energy available the cells are able to accomplish the self repair tasks that they couldn’t before.  When cells have the energy to repair themselves this results in healing of the entire tissues and organs. 

The second process is one of sending specific signals to the cells.  For instance, it has been shown that when a current is pulsed through a tissue at 40 Hertz (40 pulses per second) there is a decrease in inflammation in the tissue.  In Frequency Specific Microcurrent two currents are pulsed at the same time.  Each current is pulsed at a different frequency.  One of the pulsing frequencies targets a specific body function or process.  As just stated for example, the pulse frequency of 40 Hertz reduces inflammation. 

The second pulsing frequency is one that resonates to (targets) a specific tissue type, organ or organ system. For instance, pulsing a current at rate of 396 Hz has been shown to resonate to peripheral nerves in the body (ie. nerves that activate muscles and transmit sensory information to the brain).  Over 100 different frequencies have been identified as resonating to specific body structures.  The frequency of 100 Hz resonates to ligaments, while the frequency of 191 Hz resonates to tendons, and so on.  

When a frequency for a body process or function (ie. 40 Hz for inflammation) is paired with a frequency for a body structure (ie. 396 Hz for peripheral nerves) and the currents are simultaneously passed through the body the appropriate tissue responds accordingly.  In the example of 40 Hz paired with 396 Hz there is a decrease in inflammation in the peripheral nerves and a corresponding decrease in nerve pain.


This seems fanciful or even impossible until it is experienced.  When I (Dr. Mittag) first became aware of FSM some years ago I suffered from what is medically described as radiculitis of the left S1 nerve due to pressure on the nerve from a herniated L5-S1 disc.  I suffered left leg pain from a pinched nerve in my low back.  I decided to get some FSM treatments to see if they would help my low back and leg pain. (This is a condition I’d been experiencing to different degrees of pain for 30 years).

After 7 weekly treatments my pain level dropped from 4/10 to 0/10.  My range of motion in my low back improved dramatically.  I no longer had to take daily natural anti-inflammatories (curcumin, boswellia, ginger) and I could lift anything I wanted without suffering a day of back and leg pain afterwards.  At the time I remember trying to assess my improvement objectively.  I kept coming up with “80% improvement”. 

For me that was miraculous after having to be on guard all the time, restrict my sitting and lifting, and take pain killers daily.  Since then I’ve had a few episodes of mild pain and on one occasion moderate pain.  Both were resolved by taking some natural anti-inflammatories and giving myself an FSM treatment.

What is microcurrent?

Microcurrent is electrical current in millionths of an ampere. An ampere is a measure of the movement of electrons past a point. Microamperage current is the same kind of current your body produces on its own within each cell. This is current in millionths of an amp. It is very small; there is not enough current to stimulate sensory nerves so the current flow cannot be felt. You can tell it is running by watching the conductance meter on the machine.

What is a frequency specific protocol?

Frequency protocols are sequences of frequencies observed to have a certain clinical effect in various conditions as determined by practitioners. These protocols may be run once in a treatment session, or may be run repeatedly by using a specifically programmed home unit to self treat. The most commonly effective and useful protocols have been also pre-programmed into automated microcurrent units that sequence through frequencies automatically for those who want to have a home care unit.

How are the frequencies used?

The frequency thought to address or neutralize the condition is put on channel A. The frequency thought to address the tissue is put on channel B. The frequencies used in FSM are all less than 1000 Hz. There are frequencies from the list alleged to address over 200 conditions from very common conditions like “inflammation”, “scar tissue”, “mineral deposits” and “toxicity” to very unusual and hard to document conditions like “polio virus”, “trauma” and congestion. There can be no claims made for the effects of the frequencies until research has documented their effects. All that can be said is that use of this or that frequency had this observed effect in this patient with a certain condition.

How can FSM help me?

FSM devices offer an exciting promise in working with tissues unresponsive to conventional efforts such as nerve pain, damage or injury, scar tissue, adhesions, and the ability to facilitate healing of acute and chronic injuries. Dr. Mittag also finds it is a useful supportive treatment as part of comprehensive treatment for chronic conditions like chronic Lyme disease, CFS, and fibromyalgia.

How do I start?

Dr. Mittag has provided a lot of useful information on FSM, what it does and what conditions it treats on this website.  You can start by taking a look at the information on this website.  There is also a free booklet available: “Healing With Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM)”.  You can get a copy of the booklet here (it is short and full of helpful information).

Once you’ve decided that you want to try FSM, arrange for a consultation with Dr. Mittag.  You can make your appointment here.  It’s a 15 minute appointment in which Dr. Mittag will get to know you and your health concerns.  Dr. Mittag will be able to determine whether FSM is appropriate for you through this consultation.  Because FSM treatment units are only available by prescription, Dr. Mittag is required to consult with you before he can recommend FSM to you.

If FSM is recommended to you, you can purchase a unit. You can learn more about buying FSM units here.

You can also ask Dr. Mittag a question through this site’s contact form here.

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