FSM to PEMF Converter


The FSM to PEMF Converter receives signals from any Inspirstar unit (ISO2BAs, ISO2LCDs, ISO2PROs) and converts the frequencies into magnetic pulses. This is another delivery system for the FSM frequencies that allows you to get an FSM treatment without having to use wet towels or adhesive electrodes.

Package includes:  Magnetic Converter, 2 PEMF discs, Power cord, Carrying case



The FSM to PEMF Converter receives signals from any Inspirstar unit (ISO2BAs, ISO2LCDs, ISO2PROs) and converts the frequencies into magnetic pulses. This is another delivery system for the FSM frequencies that allows you to get an FSM treatment without having to use wet towels or adhesive electrodes.

The Magnetic Converter (MagC) is an attachment that can be used with any Inspirstar FSM unit (separate purchase). It converts microcurrent into pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF). This unit cannot be used with the Inspirstar ISO2PEMF or Inspirstar ISO2PEMF PRO.

During treatment, the magnetic star discs should be placed so that they bracket, or are on either side of, the area being treated so the magnetic field travels through the target tissue. Magnetic fields travel through fabric and do not require water or electrode gel as a conductive medium. The magnetic fields deliver the frequencies we have found to be effective in FSM therapy.

The device has the following features:
– Waveform: square wave, 50% duty cycle
– Includes Magnetic Discs
– Uses two frequency channels and converts to pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF)
– Consists of 7 magnets: each disc runs 4 magnetic coils using the frequency from channel 1 and 3 magnetic coils using the frequency from channel 2
– 8 hour charge

Additional information

Weight & Dimensions

1 lb, 6.625 × 3.25 × 1.375 in.