How Frequency Specific Microcurrent Works

We are electromagnetic beings. From our brains, to our skin, to our bones and blood, we function as an electromagnetic mechanism.  The surface of every cell is electrically charged, as are the proteins that circulate within us.  All of our body’s structures, from the largest to the smallest, respond to electromagnetic signals.  

For Additional Background Information…

the resonance effect

The Resonance Effect

Authored by Dr. Carolyn McMakin, the chiropractor who rediscovered Frequency Specific Microcurrent in the early 1980’s and brought it back to life.  This book will blow your mind.

the body electric

The Body Electric

Dr. Becker was a pioneer in the exploration of our body’s ability to heal and regenerate itself through electrical signaling.  This is a ground breaking work that is referenced in virtually all of the current literature on resonance healing.

energy medicine in therapeutics

Energy Medicine In Therapeutics and Human Performance

This is a deep dive into the mechanisms and science of energy medicine.  For energy medicine enthuisiasts who really like seeing the research in physics behind our understanding of energy medicine.  Oschman is a proponent of Frequency Specific Microcurrent and has been a guest instructor for some of Dr. Caroly McMakin’s courses.

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