While Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) stimulators are classified as a TENS device by the U.S. Federal Drug Administration, FSM units are significantly different than what is commonly referred to as a TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator) unit.
Standard TENS units may have one or two channels (circuits) and may have an adjustable pulse rate (frequency) that applies to both channels simultaneously. That is to say, the TENS emits a single frequency whether it has one or two channels. The frequencies emitted from TENS devices are generally not precise (accurate). The amplitude of the treatment current for most TENS units ranges from 50-100 mAmps (milli-Amps) or 50-100 thousandths of an Amp.
FSM units contain two channels (circuits) whose frequency can each be controlled individually. The frequency range of each channel is 0-999 Hz. The frequencies emitted from FSM units are precise and can be adjusted to one decimal (ie 93.5 Hz vs 93 Hz only). The treatment amplitude of the current emitted from FSM devices is between 20 and 500 micro-Amps (millionths of an Amp). The amplitude of the current emitted from an FSM unit are approximately the same amplitude as the body’s own electric currents. This allows FSM units to “talk” to the body through frequencies.
Number of Programs
Power Source
Prescription Required?
Recommended Uses
Precision Distributing

9 Volt Battery
Pain, Fibromyalgia
*Does not include cost of accessories such as leads, electric pads, alligator clips, or shipping and handling. Does include the cost of a health consultation which is required to prescribe FSM and custom program the unit with programs appropriate for an individual’s health issues.