CustomCARE versus Inspirstar Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) Stimulators
While Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM) stimulators are classified as a TENS device by the U.S. Federal Drug Administration, FSM units are significantly different than what is commonly referred to as a TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator) unit....Cost Effective 40 Hz Light and Sound Self Treatment Strategy
“We found that [those exposed to Non-invasive Gamma ENtrainment Using Sensory stimulation (GENUS) at 40Hz] over 3 months had less brain atrophy and reduced loss of functional connectivity, improved markers of sleep, and improved performance on an associative...Healing With The Magic Of 40 Hz
Summary Research continues to show the remarkable healing benefits of specific frequencies (whether they be frequencies of sound, light or electromagnetism) when applied to the human body. One such frequency is 40 Hz, or 40 pulses per second. There are apparently two...